Serving facilities in Illinois & Indiana

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Facility Reviews/Audits

Consulting Pharmacist Medication Reviews

Due to regulations set forth by the state of Indiana, a consulting pharmacist must check the medication profiles of every resident every 60 days. 

This applies not only to the residents we serve directly, but also to those who receive their medications from another pharmacy but live in the same building. 

In Illinois our pharmacist or pharmacy nurse will review medication profiles annually or upon request. 

Pharmacy Nurse Facility Audits

In addition, our pharmacy nurses use electronic medical health records to review each resident's information. This helps us ensure that everyone is getting the right medications. 

Our nurses conduct both remote and in-person audits to review medication storage areas, carts, and bins. They provide immediate feedback to the staff, aiming to improve the quality and safety of medication practices. 

These audits help us identify specific concerns that could negatively affect the residents. Here are a few examples:

  • If a resident falls frequently, we check if there are any medications that may increase the risk of falling.
  • We assess if residents' blood glucose levels are well-managed. If not, we explore alternative medications or changes in dosing that may be needed.
  • We also check if vital signs like blood pressure are too low or too high, and determine if medication adjustments are necessary.

These are just a few examples of how we can review and support your community to ensure that each resident receives proper care. We also help with communication between healthcare providers to ensure appropriate medication dosing.